Arrangement of Reduced Coverage of Pipeline DN 300 Olešná - Barchov
Project Description
Montpetrol was the general supplier for 46 cases of repairs in the pipeline DN 300 Olešná – Barchov.
Beginning of the ProjectMarch 1st, 2017
End of the ProjectSeptember 30th, 2017
Type of ProjectLinear Part
- Replacement of the pipeline in 22 places (total of 2 200m)
- Reduced parts of pipelines under watercourses in 3 places (total of 200m)
- Crossing of local communication of the gas pipeline 1x (42m)
- Coverage treatment in soak sections 9x (884m)
- Laying down of concrete troughs in road ditches 4x
- Piping at water crossings 7x